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Energy Work

When you feel safe, comfortable, and supported in your environment, energy flows freely in and out of the space and mixes with the harmonious energies of nature. However, sometimes the energy in a space can become stagnant or altered due to certain situations or events. By working with the energy in a space, we can shift and lift it to promote a healthy flow once again. Our energy work can be tailored to your specific needs, whether it's for general wellness or a specific purpose such as creativity or prosperity.

The energy work portion of the sessions can include some of the following practices depending on your goals: 

  • Feng Shui

    Feng Shui is often referred to as the art of placement. It is a practice that combines design, sustainability, ecology, geography, and spirituality to create a supportive and nurturing environment. My lineage is Black Sect Esoteric Buddhism Feng Shui, which was brought to the US from China by His Holiness Grandmaster Professor Lin Yun. He is the founder and leader of contemporary Black Sect Esoteric Buddhism at its Fourth Stage. The ancient masters of this lineage understood that there is a flow to the man-made and natural energies of our world and used the energy of the home and land as tools for healing and transformation. I cannot claim these Feng Shui practices as my own. They are part of greater wisdom with deep roots.

    When incorporating Feng Shui practices into our session, we will look at various aspects of the space, including the use of color, elemental balance, plant life, layout, and placement of furniture.

  • Reiki

    Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. According to my teacher, William Rand, Reiki clears, straightens, and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way. Reiki energy can be channeled by someone who has been attuned to it. The energies of spaces interact with Reiki the same way a human body does. Reiki can be called into a session to assist with healing the energetics of the home, land, and even pets. Animals also respond to Reiki energy, and I’m happy to offer Reiki healing to four-legged friends as well.

    My Reiki training comes through a Japanese lineage primarily based on the teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Mrs. Hawayo Takata, William Rand, Colleen Benelli, and Robyn Benelli.

  • Guided meditation and visualization

    As a Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment®, I utilize a client-centered, holistic, and intuitive approach to working with the energy of people and their spaces. This approach, created by Denise Linn, emphasizes the importance of connecting deeply with your space through meditation techniques.

    By using meditation, we can tap into the energy of your space and gain a deeper understanding of how it's affecting you. We can identify areas that may be causing stress or imbalance and work to create a plan to promote positive energy flow throughout the space.

  • Oracle card reading

    For Oracle card readings, I would like to share an offering that I co-created with illustrator and friend Tess Donohoe called Hear Here. Hear Here is a set of oracle card decks that focus on the energies of the body, mind, and space. We intended to create mindfulness tools that could be used to help with connection and awareness in our busy lives. The artwork of the oracle cards serves as a visual guide to open your mind, creativity, and imagination while also providing a tool to bring yourself back to the space and your body. Each illustration has been created in concert with a series of self-care practices described in the accompanying guidebooks.

  • Altar work

    In simple terms, an altar serves as a physical representation of your spirituality and magic. It consists of carefully placed objects that hold spiritual significance to you or symbolize certain elements, archetypes, or energies you want to incorporate into your spiritual practice. Regardless of its size, an altar is a sacred space that allows you to connect with the divine.

  • Dowsing

    We can explore the spatial environment and detect various energetic frequencies by utilizing tools like a pendulum or L-shaped rods. These tools are helpful in identifying and understanding the inherent energy patterns present in the surroundings.

  • Astrology

    Your natal chart and current transits can serve as an invaluable source of inspiration when it comes to updating your living space. It can offer valuable insights into your personality, allowing you to create a home that authentically reflects who you are.

  • Human Design

    Human Design, established by Ra Uru Hu in the 1980s, presents an exploration into one's individual genetic composition. It encompasses a comprehensive understanding of both conscious and unconscious elements of oneself. By examining your Human Design chart, valuable insights are gained on optimal ways to engage with the surrounding environment.